
  • Speeding Up Windows

    Howdy. Just a small thing here today, I just watched a video from Chris Titus Tech about speeding up windows by getting rid of most of the bloatware, and since my laptop can always be fatser(and who usies cortana anyway) I decided to do it. First things first, this script...

  • A Little Update

    Howdy Recently I’ve been loving Linux a lot, just something about the ability to fully customize the whole operating system is so appealing, like recently I got a moving wallpaper on my desktop using a program called Komorebi. I absolutely love it. I still have a few things to grasp...

  • Rough start to Linux...

    Howdy. Just got a Linux distro up and running im my virtual machine. There were a few hiccups in the process but other than just minor inconveniences it was insanely simple. First off when I decided to go with linux mint, I liked the look of it and the fact...