
Painting Flat Surfaces with Bambu Labs

These instructions will guide you through the process of preparing and painting flat surfaces using the AMS Paint Tool for Bambu Labs 3D Printers.


  • A 3D model of a blank plate for a Raspberry Pi.
  • A DXF or SVG file of your desired design.
  • Fusion 360 software.
  • Bambu Labs 3D Printer with AMS Paint Tool.


  1. Import DXF/SVG File:
    • Open your Fusion 360 project.
    • Import the DXF or SVG file of your design.

    Step 1

  2. Extrude and Tiny Gap:
    • Select the imported design.
    • Extrude the design to a height that’s just slightly above the printer’s minimal printable height, such as 0.001 mm.
    • Ensure that there’s a tiny gap between the extruded surface and the original surface.

    Step 2

  3. Save and Export:
    • Save your Fusion 360 project.
    • Export the modified design as an STL file.

    Step 3

  4. Load STL in Bambu Slicer:
    • Open the Bambu Slicer software.
    • Load the STL file of your modified design.
  5. Prepare for Painting:
    • In Bambu Slicer, the modified face should be recognized as a new surface due to the tiny gap.
    • Use the fill tool to ensure the new surface is sealed and ready for painting.

    Step 4

  6. Color Selection and Painting:
    • Choose the desired colors for your design.
    • Use the AMS Paint Tool to apply colors to the prepared surface.

    Step 5

  7. Preview and Adjust:
    • Preview the painted design in the Bambu Slicer.
    • Make any necessary adjustments to colors or placement.
  8. Print:
    • Once you are satisfied with the painted design, initiate the printing process using your Bambu Labs 3D Printer.

    Step 7


  • The small extruded height with a tiny gap is a workaround to allow the slicer to recognize the new face while being mindful of the printer’s capabilities.
  • Experiment with different colors and patterns in the AMS Paint Tool to achieve your desired look.
  • Double-check the preview in the Bambu Slicer before printing to avoid any issues.